Thursday 1 December 2016

My Ambition

Hi everyone, today I must speak about an ambition I have, and I think that this topic is very difficult because the ambitions have many different parts, but I conisder that my principal ambition is to be happy, and now I have to see how I can be happy. To doing this I think that there are many things importants. In first place, love is an important way to be happy, so my ambition in this case is surround myself with people who love me and that I love too, friends, family and partners.

In second place, I think that something important to be happy is doing things or activities that I like, to have hobbies, and in my case, I like very much to travel, discover places to rest, doing trekking, playing football, listening music and watching a lot of series haha, and specially I would like to leave from Santiago and go to other different place to live, a far away place, and a quiet place where I can to have many animals and to live in peace.

Finally, I think that the professional development is important to be happy, and I would like specialize in Forensic Anthropology, and resolve murders, investigation cases, and human rights cases, to help in some way the people and the families of the victims to find some of quietness.

Resultado de imagen para proposito

Thursday 24 November 2016


Hi everyone, today I am going to talking about PET that is an examen of english, to see if you have an intermediate level in english language. Personally, I made the three parts of the examen and my best skill is Reading because I usually read in my career a lot of papers in english. In second place, my vocabulary skill is good but not perfect, because I think that is difficult to know all the words, and clearly my worst skill is listening and speaking because is difficult to me speak or listen in another language.

Thursday 17 November 2016

Alexis Sanchez

Hi everyone, today I am going to talking about a public person I admire. If I have to choose one, I think immediately in people of politics, of music world or people of my career, but in this opportunity I am going to choose someone of the contingency, and that person is Alexis Sanchez. 

I now him when he arrived to Colo Colo football team in 2007, when he was very young, and since that moment he has been my idol and my referent in sport. Alexis Sanchez has 27 years old, and if I remember well, he started playing football in Cobreloa when he was 15 years and then he arrived to Colo Colo. After, he played in River Plate and since there he jumped to Europa, playing in Udinese, then in Barcelona, and actually he is playing in Arsenal in England, where he is one of the most important players and a indisputable figure.

On the other hand, in Chile National Team he is with Arturo Vidal the principal player, and now I am writting about him because two days ago he score two goals against Uruguay and he become in the second historical high scoring of  the chilean team. I like very much this player and I would ask him from where he obtain his courage to play football, because for me, he is the representation of the chilean effort and sacrifice.

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Thursday 10 November 2016


Hi everyone, today I am going to talking about my favourite artist, that in this case is my favourite band and his name is Metallica. At the beginning Metallica was a Trash Metal band founded in 1983 with his first album called Kill'em all. Actually Metallica is a band of Heavy Metal and they are going to publish his new album soon called Hardwire to Self-destruct.

Actually, this band is formed by James Hetfield on vocals, Lars Ulric on drumm, Kirk Hammet on Guitar and Robert Trujillo on Bass. I like this band since I was a little boy but I don't remember when or how I started to listen his songs, I just know that I liked definitely Metallica when I went to his concert on 2014 in Estadio Monumental and since that day I consider to me a big fan of this band.

Resultado de imagen para metallica

I like of them that when they started to play his music on 80's decade they was revolutionaries and from that moment they influenced to many others bands to continue with the trash metal. My favourite song of Metallica is from his last album and it's called The day that never comes that represent a walk from all the previous albums. Today Metallica don't play like in the beginning, because it's necessary a lot of physical effort, but I like and I will always like Metallica.

Thursday 27 October 2016

Post 6: Forensic Anthropology

Resultado de imagen para forensic anthropology

Hi everyone, today I am going to talking about a job that I would like to have, and I think that it is easy to talk about this for me because since that I was a little boy I had know what I want to do for the rest of my life. Of course I would like to be a professional football player or a carer of a tropical island, but in the reality it is very difficult that this happen.

Since that I was very little, always I liked the police stories, mistery novels and the investigation cases, then I like very much criminalistic and I tryed twice to enter to "Policía de Investigaciones" but I didn't because I failed in the test, therefore when I was in Bachillerato in this university I chose to study Physical Anthropology and here is my future because I want to work in Forensic Anthropology subdiscipline in Servicio Médico Legal I hope where there is a special unit of forensic identification.

For get this job, I need to learn now in the career all about osteology and human variability, and also I have to learn to identify sex, age, height and ancestry from different skeletal remains in different context. I think that in this job I can help in some way to the body's families to know what happened and to give them some of quietness, and that would can be my reward from doing this job.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Post 5: Book

Hi classmates and teacher, today I am going to talking about reading and specifically a book that I am reading at the moment. Personally I do not read books like novels or others genres during the academic year because there is not a lot of time, and generally at university I have to read academic books related with my discipline, essays, cientific papers of several journals, brief or short communications, and to study for the different subjects.

For all of this, generally I read novels during the summer and I like novels of adventures, journeys and books which make me to think. But just this year during this second semester, I am reading a very special book and I have to find time to reading it. This book is called Harry Potter and The Curse Child and I like it very much because I read all of the others books of the saga. I consider to me a fan of the saga, both books and movies and I am very happy with this eight history of this famous wizard.

For those who do not know the history, this book is not about Harry Potter, it is about the smaller Harry's son called Albus, how it is very difficult to be a Harry Potter's son because of the legacy the fame of the name, and how this boy take distance to his father and begin to have problems in Howarts that is one of the schools for wizards.

I recommend to you read the book and all the saga haha, bye bye!

Resultado de imagen para the cursed child

Friday 14 October 2016

Post 4: My best friend

Hi everyone, today I am going to talking about someone that I consider my best friend. His name is Matías Ramírez and I met him when I entered in the school in 2000, therefore we were classmates during school since 2000 until 2012 when we did finish and we were school out, and unitl today he have been my friend.

Honestly I do not remember how we started this friendship because we was only five years, but we have various things in common, for example we like sports, we like trekking, we have the same political idea, we like many books in common, movies and something very important is that we was unquiet at school and we had a lot of troubles with the teachers because the mischiefs, and this unite us until today.

Resultado de imagen para bart y milhouse amigos

After school he entered at university to study Medicine and he studied this for three years, but then he abandoned this career and he did choose to study Engineering until today. Now I do not see my friend often because we both are busy, but usually I see him at different parties and social meetings whit our friends and old classmates.

I hope you liked, byeee!!

Thursday 6 October 2016

Post 3: Prezzie

Today I have to writte about a present that I received, and I really don't remember one in special because I don't like so much the possessions. Therefore I just can remember an experience more than a thing, and this experience was a journey for my birthday to Arica and Iquique with my family. My parents gave me this present and it was on 2012 when I was 18 years. That was our first journey on a plane and we were very excited, we went for four days and we toured all the important places.
On Arica we went to Morro de Arica that is important historically for Guerra del Pacífico and is a beautiful natural formation, very high where is possible to see all the city. Also we went to valley of San Miguel de Azapa and the museum of San Miguel de Azapa where there are Chinchorro's Mummys and many others things of archaeological importance. 

After, in Iquique we visited the Casino and the Beach, and we went to Escuela Santa María de Iquique but it was not open because it was on remodelation. Besides the place that I liked more in this journey was the salitreras of Humberston and Santa Laura that have a historical significance.

This was a special journey, I hope you enjoy this little story.

Resultado de imagen para iquique

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Post 1: Physical Anthropology

Hi everyone, today I going to talk about a free topic and I chose to talk about my career Physical Anthropology or Biological Anthropology. This discipline studies the human’s variability and evolution, and has several subdisciplines like Population Genetics which studies living population’s variability, Forensic Anthropology which studies human skeletal remains in legal contexts, Paleoanthropology which studies our evolutive ancestors or Primatology which studies the non-human primates to see the cultural relationship between them and the humans.

Personally, I want to work in Forensic Anthropology. This subdiscipline it has developed differently on different continents, for example, in Europe and Asia, Forensic Anthropology is taught in Schools of Medicine and Biology, whereas in America is taught inSchools of Social Sciences.

Specifically in Latin America, Forensic Anthropology it has developed for the necessity and the duty to reclaim the memory and to do justice for the victims of state crimes and human right violations like torture, murders and forces disappearances, in countries like Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Chile.

Forensic Anthropology helps to identify the victims, determining sex, age, height and ancestry through the skeletal remains, examining the bones. Therefore, Forensic Anthropologist tries to find the guilty, andhelps the victim’s families to recover the dignity.

I hope you enjoyed and learned something new.