Wednesday 5 October 2016

Post 1: Physical Anthropology

Hi everyone, today I going to talk about a free topic and I chose to talk about my career Physical Anthropology or Biological Anthropology. This discipline studies the human’s variability and evolution, and has several subdisciplines like Population Genetics which studies living population’s variability, Forensic Anthropology which studies human skeletal remains in legal contexts, Paleoanthropology which studies our evolutive ancestors or Primatology which studies the non-human primates to see the cultural relationship between them and the humans.

Personally, I want to work in Forensic Anthropology. This subdiscipline it has developed differently on different continents, for example, in Europe and Asia, Forensic Anthropology is taught in Schools of Medicine and Biology, whereas in America is taught inSchools of Social Sciences.

Specifically in Latin America, Forensic Anthropology it has developed for the necessity and the duty to reclaim the memory and to do justice for the victims of state crimes and human right violations like torture, murders and forces disappearances, in countries like Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and Chile.

Forensic Anthropology helps to identify the victims, determining sex, age, height and ancestry through the skeletal remains, examining the bones. Therefore, Forensic Anthropologist tries to find the guilty, andhelps the victim’s families to recover the dignity.

I hope you enjoyed and learned something new.


  1. PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY! I'm from Archeology, and I actually taked a few courses with the pysical athopologist of the same generation, and totally love the topic they teach about.
    I think that foensic athropology is such a great field to work, it has a lot of social potential, and the biological scieces need something social, same way as the social science can learn a lot about them, is a great relatioship ejejeje.
    Good luck with everything! because is really hard D:

  2. oooh you are like bones, the USA series jajaja is so funny
