Friday 14 October 2016

Post 4: My best friend

Hi everyone, today I am going to talking about someone that I consider my best friend. His name is Matías Ramírez and I met him when I entered in the school in 2000, therefore we were classmates during school since 2000 until 2012 when we did finish and we were school out, and unitl today he have been my friend.

Honestly I do not remember how we started this friendship because we was only five years, but we have various things in common, for example we like sports, we like trekking, we have the same political idea, we like many books in common, movies and something very important is that we was unquiet at school and we had a lot of troubles with the teachers because the mischiefs, and this unite us until today.

Resultado de imagen para bart y milhouse amigos

After school he entered at university to study Medicine and he studied this for three years, but then he abandoned this career and he did choose to study Engineering until today. Now I do not see my friend often because we both are busy, but usually I see him at different parties and social meetings whit our friends and old classmates.

I hope you liked, byeee!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it's amazing that you've been friends for sixteen years! I think that's so cool. And your story reminded me a little bit to bart and milhouse, so good picture haha
