Thursday 6 October 2016

Post 3: Prezzie

Today I have to writte about a present that I received, and I really don't remember one in special because I don't like so much the possessions. Therefore I just can remember an experience more than a thing, and this experience was a journey for my birthday to Arica and Iquique with my family. My parents gave me this present and it was on 2012 when I was 18 years. That was our first journey on a plane and we were very excited, we went for four days and we toured all the important places.
On Arica we went to Morro de Arica that is important historically for Guerra del Pacífico and is a beautiful natural formation, very high where is possible to see all the city. Also we went to valley of San Miguel de Azapa and the museum of San Miguel de Azapa where there are Chinchorro's Mummys and many others things of archaeological importance. 

After, in Iquique we visited the Casino and the Beach, and we went to Escuela Santa María de Iquique but it was not open because it was on remodelation. Besides the place that I liked more in this journey was the salitreras of Humberston and Santa Laura that have a historical significance.

This was a special journey, I hope you enjoy this little story.

Resultado de imagen para iquique

1 comment:

  1. I also visited Iquique and Arica when I was a teenager. I went to the Morro and the Museum too. I think Iquique's beach is really beautiful. I have nice memories from these trip :)
