Thursday 1 December 2016

My Ambition

Hi everyone, today I must speak about an ambition I have, and I think that this topic is very difficult because the ambitions have many different parts, but I conisder that my principal ambition is to be happy, and now I have to see how I can be happy. To doing this I think that there are many things importants. In first place, love is an important way to be happy, so my ambition in this case is surround myself with people who love me and that I love too, friends, family and partners.

In second place, I think that something important to be happy is doing things or activities that I like, to have hobbies, and in my case, I like very much to travel, discover places to rest, doing trekking, playing football, listening music and watching a lot of series haha, and specially I would like to leave from Santiago and go to other different place to live, a far away place, and a quiet place where I can to have many animals and to live in peace.

Finally, I think that the professional development is important to be happy, and I would like specialize in Forensic Anthropology, and resolve murders, investigation cases, and human rights cases, to help in some way the people and the families of the victims to find some of quietness.

Resultado de imagen para proposito


  1. Is the great ambition, is hard to do in this time, but always we have time to be happy

  2. I love your ambition because I think is really necessary be happy in this life and love is important for that :)


  3. I agree absolutely with this, in my blog I speak of something very similar

  4. We constantly forget about be happy. The life have a lot of stress. I really like your perspective.

  5. in breve: LIFE IS FOR DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! it's really nice that you say that this is your main ambition :3 I think most of people looking for some specific thing to be happy, but, as you say, each one has a lot of interest, so a lot of ways to be happy that join as one <3

  6. Great post Nicolas. You seeem to have your priorities right :)

  7. Is interesting this post, is a very good reflection about the ambitions.
